Monday, October 8, 2007

Glavine's Pitching by the numbers

Hello everyone. I'm sorry I haven't posted in a few days but news is slow, and I've been busy. In true Mountain Man fashion, I've been putting away the bounty from my garden harvest and getting ready for the coming hunting season. I still have thoughts to share and hope for your replies and input.

There has been some discussion about Glavine taking the $3 million dollar buyout, and what the future holds for him. I don't want him back, but I worry about Omar's and Jeff Wilpon's love for him. If you figure the $12 Million Glavine got paid , and the $3 million buyout, the Mets payed Glavine $1,153,846.15 per victory. And you all thought Clemens was overpaid! What a waste of money. When you consider that Maine and Perez were each paid around $380,000 for the season and won 15 games each, what's the better bargain? Maine also had 191.0 innings pitched, compared to Glavine's 200.1, and he pitched 2 fewer games than Glavine. Maine had only pitched 90 innings as a season high before this year, so why couldn't someone like Pelfrey or Humber pitch 180-200 innings next year? That's all that's needed from a 4th or 5th spot in the rotation. Perez and Maine should both get over 200 innings next year without any problems at all. If the Mets can get Santana and his 240+ innings in the rotation that would solve alot of problems with the pen. With Pedro healthy for the 1st time in many years, I figure he'll get 200-220 innings also. I wish the Mets would just come out with a statement and say that they are not interested in resigning Glavine for the 2008 season. If the team was willing to spend 5 years and $100 Million on Zito, that shouldn't be an issue for Santana. Zito's a soft tossing pitcher on the down slide, and Johan is still steaming along with his nasty change-up and 95 MPH fastball. His innings and attitude would go a long way to fixing many issues on this club concerning the bullpen. Glavine's presence would only continue to weaken the pen and empty the Wilpon's checkbook.

So what do you say? Should the Mets issue a statement saying goodbye to Glavine? Or should they wait around for 3 months while Tom figures out what he wants to do? Let's hear from you.

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