Saturday, July 12, 2008

Eight is not Enough

Today's game at Shea was one of great anticipation for me. After the last seven games I can't help but worry that the dream would end. The Mets have been pitching and playing like a team possessed. Every game they play you have to wonder if they can get to the break in first place.

Pedro came into this game with 2 bad starts and 1 pretty good one. So I wondered which one would show up to pitch today. The good Pedro showed up, but he left after only 4 innings. I heard conflicting information during the broadcast. I heard a groin problem, and a stiff shoulder. Lets just hope that the rest over the break will get things back to normal for Pedro.

Where Pedro left off Muniz took over. I really like Carlos. He attacks the hitters and has good location and movement on his pitches. He worked 2 great innings and won his first game in the big leagues. I'm glad to see him pitch so well in his new roll as the "Long Man" out of the pen. Too bad El Duque will probably end up replacing him on the team in a month or so. I really don't want to see Hernandez back in NY. It's time to move on to the future and not continue to live on past reputations.

Schoeneweis, Heilman, and Wagner pitched the last 3 innings and they extended the bull-pen's streak of scoreless innings to 18.1 innings. The Mets also set a MLB record with 5 consecutive games of 3 hits or less allowed. Jerry's and Dan Warthen's pitching philosophy seems to be reaping the rewards of success. With the defined pitching roles and some confidence from the manager, the pitchers have responded beyond anyone's wildest dreams. It makes you wonder why Peterson and Witless Willie lasted as long as they did.

I don't know about any of you out there, but I'm getting tired of all the talking heads in the Media saying that Jerry isn't the reason for this turn around of the Mets. I couldn't disagree more. I've seen almost every game that Witless Willie has managed since 2005 and Willie doesn't know how to manage a club. Jerry has changed the way of thinking on the Mets and made baseball fun again in NY. Willie was so uptight and condescending that it's a wonder he wasn't decked by someone during his tenure. Jerry and the players are not going to come flat out and say that Willie was lost as a manager, but you can tell from their comments that they're glad Witless Willie is gone. As I and Guinness have been saying for years, there was a reason why Willie interviewed for 12 jobs before Omar hired him. Now all the baseball world can see what Mets fans have known for years. Willie is not suited for the manager's job in the Big Leagues. If he wants to manage, go to the minors and learn the job like everyone else does. Then again, Willie and his ego wouldn't do that because it would be "beneath" him. I hope he enjoys his forced retirement.

I look forward to seeing Big Pelf continue to dominate hitters and win his 8th game. Here's hoping the Big Blue Wrecking Crew shows up and pummels the Rockies into little pebbles.


Anonymous said...

It's extremely hard to believe that the management change didn't help the Mets out...IT'S OBVIOUS

Dan the Mets Fan said...

I agree Los. The problem is that Willie is a good person, and nobody in today's PC society is going to come out and say that Willie didn't know what he was doing. They have to dance around the question and try not to throw him under the bus.

Dan the Mets Fan said...

The impressive thing about Manuel is that he put his foot down twice now when a player wanted to keep playing (Reyes and Martinez) and the Players end up giving way to him. Anyone see Randolph winning any of those arguments?

Anonymous said...

Hey guys guess what? Looks like we got our 9th! And YES im saying this early...