Yesterday afternoon, [5/31], I had the pleasure of attending my first Mets game. The weather was our major concern as my Father and I traveled from Albany to the Big City with a bus load of very enthusiastic fans. The weather turned out perfect and the day was perfect. No rain, a slight breeze and comfortable temps. Manoj, the trip director, did a great job and every one had a great time. Except for one gentleman name John, who was leery of the heights, everyone was excited and yelling for all 9 innings. John and his son watched the game from different areas and levels and had a great time roaming the stadium. Our seats were in the upper deck between the Dodger dugout and home plate. The view was grand and everything was easy to see. I took plenty of pictures and was to the point of losing my voice by the end of the game.
Here's one of David as he was hitting the double off Broxton in the 8th inning.

Here's Beltran as he drills his 2 run home run off the scoreboard to get the Mets even.

Here's Sanchez on the mound mowing down the Dodgers. We has impressive with his velocity and control. He only needed a few pitches to get the Dodgers out of the 8th inning.

And What would any Mets victory be without the blaring of Metallica's "Sandman" as Wagner runs in from the bullpen and takes the mound.

Here's a few pictures of Billy doing what Billy does best. Blowing 95+ MPH fastballs past hitters and making them look silly. He was throwing the hitters some sliders to keep them honest, and killing them with his


And Finally Billy throws the last pitch of the game, and the Mets come from behind victory is complete.

The most disturbing thing of the day was the wasted effort of Mike Pelfrey. He pitched his butt off today, and got nothing but a no-decision for his efforts. The Mets have had a nasty habit of stranding runners in scoring position. All too often that is the main reason for Mets loses this season. The pitching has been better than expected, but Pelfrey proved today that even 2 runs is some times too many runs to to give up if the starters are expecting to win games.
Now we go into the last game of the series hoping Santana will get some run support and keep the ball in the park on Sunday night. I doubt anyone on the Mets is looking forward to playing a long game Sunday night. Thanks to ESPN, the Mets get to play at 8pm, and then board a flight to San Fransisco to face the Giants. Thanks MLB for once again giving the Mets the short end of the stick.
Great pictures Dan!
Thanks. I had a great time and the staduim has rocking when Beltran hit the home run. It got even louder when Tatis drove in Evans with the winning run.
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