Thursday, September 6, 2007

I want more

After this last road trip I'm left wanting more from the Mets. What could have been a disaster after the Philadelphia massacre turned out as a so-so road trip. I keep wanting and waiting for the Mets to show a killer instinct.

After reading the NY Post today, I wonder if the Players and Management aren't getting weary of Willies lack of motivational abilities. The post reports that players are questioning Willie's decisions and moves. And Management is not ruling out personnel changes if the World Series isn't won. And I'm told be people that know me that everybody loves Willie. I guess that myth has been dispelled.

These are some things I'd like to see in the next few weeks.

I'd like to see the Mets play Green more at 1st than Conine. I think he's better at 1st and has shown some life in his bat lately. Keep the hotter bat in the line-up Willie.
I also want to see more of Humber out of the pen. The team needs to see what he can do before the playoffs. He could be a secret weapon coming out of the pen. Heilman and Mota are well known around the league. Their habits are known, but Humber's are not. With his 97 mph fastball, he could be effective getting that big bat out.
I also want to see David get to 30 home runs. That's a milestone worth pursuing.
I also want Beltran to wake up and play like an All-Star. ALL THE TIME!!! No more sleepwalking allowed.
I also want Perez and Maine to turn it up a notch. They need to buckle down and start attacking the plate and the hitters. They seem to be getting sloppy around the plate, and it's costing them. People are losing confidence in their abilities to win games and keep people off base. Time to show us all that Bull Dog mentality that we saw last fall. We want the 2 pitchers that saved the Mets last post season. Not the pitchers that were given away by their former teams.

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